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《机械之声的传奇》第二季 阿里云下载

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中文名: 机械之声的传奇第二季 话数: 12 放送开始: 2023年1月20日 播放电视台: Amazon Prime Video

The storyline of the second season of The Legend of Vox Machina begins immediately after the ending of the first season. “After saving the realm from evil and destruction at the hands of the most terrifying power couple in Exandria, Vox Machina is faced with saving the world once again—this time, from a sinister group of dragons known as the Chroma Conclave.

五色會來襲!巨龍的邪惡將它的陰影蔓延到整個陶多瑞。 機械之聲能否在它們席捲全球之前阻止它們?



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